24/7 Helpline 1-800-825-1295 / Text SOSKS to 847411
SOS Wish List
Items for SOS Programs & Services
These items are used to help our clients heal and find enjoyment while getting help.

Gift Cards
Financial Support
Examples: Emporia Main Street and Chamber of Commerce Gift Certificates, Restaurants, Groceries, Gas, Entertainment and Family Activities

Health & Beauty
Examples: Body Wash, Shampoo & Conditioner, Gummy Vitamins, Diapers, Baby Wipes, Facial Cleanser, Adult Stomach Meds
Donations allow us to purchase items that clients need but are not purchased by the community.

New Toys
Examples: New Toys & Games (Variety of Ages), Fidgets, Video Game Systems, Balls, Corn Hole and Outdoor Games, AA and AAA Batteries

New Art Supplies
Examples: Journals, Colored Pencils & Coloring books (Adult & Child), Paint, Crafts

Gift Wrap
Gift Wrap Supplies
Examples: Wrapping Paper, Bows, Tape, Gift Tags
Shelter Wish List
Grocery Gift Cards
Diaper pail refills (Munchkin)
Adult and children's vitamins (gummies preferred)
Adult stomach medicines (Tums, Gas X, Miralax, etc)
Ibuprofen / Tylenol
Gummy melatonin
Shampoo, conditioner, and body wash (no strong fragrances, please)
AA AAA, C, D & 9-volt batteries
Coloring books with crayons/ washable markers
Baby bath supplies and baby lotions
Bars of soap
Deodorant (Men & Women)
Small Zipper bags for toiletries
Hair ties, hair clips/bobby pins
Hair care products for all hair textures and curl types
Silk bonnets
Bath Towels
Laundry bags/baskets
Clothes hangers
Facial cleanser
Chest of drawers (4 to 5 drawers)
Child Visitation and Exchange Center Wish List
Barbies/Dolls (all races/ethnicities/genders)
Barbie/Ken clothing
Doll house accessories
Basketballs, footballs, soccer balls (toddler, youth & adult sizes)
AA and AAA batteries
Board games
Arts and crafts (coloring books, markers, crayons, washable paint, watercolor books)
Sidewalk chalk
Landscaping rocks for painting
Waterproof acrylic paint or markers
New or gently used books (infant to school aged)
Bubbles, bubble refills
New or gently used books (infant to school aged) - English or Spanish
Magformers magnetic blocks or Picasso Tile Blocks
Other Wish List Items
Smart TV for Wellness Area
Medicine Ball
Small Hand Weights
Donations can be delivered during regular business hours at 1420 C of E Drive, Emporia, KS, 66801
Thank you so much for supporting our programs & clients!
Gift Acceptance Policy
SOS, Inc. solicits and accepts gifts that will help further and fulfill its mission and that support its programs and special projects. When appropriate, SOS, Inc. will seek advice from legal counsel in matters relating to acceptance of gifts.
Donations and other forms of support will generally be accepted from individuals, partnerships, corporations, foundations, government agencies, or other entities. Certain types of gifts will be reviewed prior to acceptance due to the special liabilities they may post for SOS, Inc. Examples of gifts which will be subject to review include gifts of real property, gifts of personal property, and gifts of securities.
All decisions to solicit and/or accept potentially controversial gifts will be made by the Executive Committee of the Board in consultation with the Executive Director. The primary consideration will be the impact of the gift on the organization.
When considering whether to solicit or accept gifts, the organization will consider the following factors:
Values—whether the acceptance of the gift compromises any of the core values of SOS, Inc.
Compatibility—whether there is compatibility between the intent of the donor and the organization’s use of the gift
Public Relationships—whether acceptance of the gift damages the reputation of SOS, Inc.
Primary Benefit—whether the primary benefit is to SOS, Inc., versus the donor
Consistency—is acceptance of the gift consistent with prior practice?
Form of Gift—is the gift offered in a form that SOS, Inc. can use without incurring substantial expense or difficulty?
Effect on Future Giving—will the gift encourage or discourage future gifts?
SOS, Inc. urges all prospective donors to seek the assistance of personal legal and financial advisors in matters relating to their gifts, including the resulting tax and estate planning consequences