Susan, a CASA volunteer, was appointed to a sibling set of four, who were removed due to neglect, but there were also concerns of domestic violence and drug abuse by the parents. While living in their first foster home, the children and their CASA developed a close, trusting relationship. The children shared with their CASA that their foster mother was neglecting them, and sadly, their daycare provider had been physically abusing them. Susan immediately reached out for assistance to DCF and St. Francis. An investigation was completed and the children were not moved from the foster home. Susan enlisted the help of the GAL and the court to have the children moved and expedite approval of a relative placement for the children. Because of their CASA, the children are thriving and have grown tremendously in their mental health and education. Without Susan’s voice as an advocate for these children, the children may have languished in a foster home where they did not feel safe.
Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) Success Story
Updated: Aug 4, 2020