The SOS Shelter provides a safe place for victims of domestic violence and their children to escape their abuser and begin to rebuild. There are six bedrooms for clients and one room for overnight staff or client overflow. SOS staff envision these rooms to be peaceful and inviting. Would you be interested in helping SOS create a welcoming atmosphere by adopting a room?
What does it mean to adopt a room and how can you help?
SOS will be purchasing six new trundle beds ($600 each) and six new twin beds ($450 each) from Guion’s. They have also ordered a dry erase calendar for each room ($23 each). You can make a donation to SOS to help us cover the cost of these purchases by donating on-line and listing twin bed, trundle bed, and/or dry erase calendar in the “In Honor Of” field of the SOS website ( or by mailing a check to SOS and writing twin bed, trundle bed, or dry erase calendar in the memo field. Please mail checks to 1420 C of E Drive, Suite 6, Emporia, KS 66801.
More ways to help:
You can also provide new bedding and decor for the room you adopt. SOS will be needing new twin sheets, comforters, pillows, decorative pillows and artwork for each room. Please keep in mind that SOS provides services to anyone who has experienced domestic violence, so they prefer colors and designs that are not gender or age specific.
If you are interested in adopting a shelter room please call SOS at 620-343-8799 for more details.